Back to Reymontowka for a long walk to a village named Trzemuszka. I took photos of some picturesque houses and the village wooden church built in the 1776. From there I walked back to Reymontowka for supper. By Edmund Stasz.
Back to Reymontowka for a long walk to a village named Trzemuszka. I took photos of some picturesque houses and the village wooden church built in the 1776. From there I walked back to Reymontowka for supper. By Edmund Stasz.
Back to Reymontowka for a long walk to a village named bTrzemuszka/b. I took photos of some picturesque houses and the village wooden church built in the 1776. From there I walked back to Reymontowka for supper. By Edmund Stasz.